The Gift above All!
Welcome to the Big Brown Church, I’m glad that you are checking us out. I find myself standing in the midst of living life. This is a daily event and this life that is all mine always goes on. Every day things happen. Every day the majority of events in this world are out of my control. With that reality, standing still, taking a breath, and saying, “Hmm”, is ok. Change, challenge, and choice is another continuum similar to life. It is also all mine, and just like life, it is given to me absolutely free.
Is life just a spectator sport? I get to watch things happen in front of me. I could just sit back and comment on the program, the performances, and the words that are happening and used. I can literally or figuratively applaud for all the things I agree with. I can share my approval with myself or others of what I believe is true. I could also stand from my recliner and boo at all the things that are wrong and even protest at the courthouse (again in my opinion).
To simplify my life and share my opinion of a way to deal with change, challenge, and choice. I find that to make easier, I can share things from God’s word. Mark 12:30-31, Jesus shares, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these. “
We at ECCC are just people in Wallowa county. I, the Pastor, am blessed to be part of who we are and who we as a family are becoming through our Savior Jesus Christ. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’, is the key to Enterprise Community Congregational Church. None of us is perfect and none of us have all of the answers to living life. Living is easier when we have a family of fellow followers to walk with us as we wrestle with life. Change is challenging and requires us to make choices. We are all in this together. With God being our creator and creating each one of us to be who we are, feel free to come and join us or give me a call.
In needing His strength always,
Pastor John Chamberlain