Who We Are
A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
John 13:34
What We Believe
· We believe in the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
· We believe that God is our supreme and divine Creator, and the only judge of mankind.
· We believe that we receive salvation through faith alone in the belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God, sent in human form to die on the cross for our sins, so that with faith, we may have hope for eternal life in the kingdom of Heaven.
· We believe we are inspired to follow the example of Jesus Christ, to open our doors and hearts to all, and to serve others as part of acting out our faith.
· We desire to increase our knowledge and dependence on the Bible and to live according to its teachings, striving to grow spiritually and lead lives based on a foundation of faith, hope, and love.
· We are neither “conservative” nor “liberal,” “right” nor “left,” and we leave our politics at the door, united in our desire to grow spiritually and live Christ’s example to the best of our ability.
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow spiritually by moving beyond ourselves with passion and purpose, following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Worship Style
Our worship style has evolved over the past few years. We begin with music and singing. We sing a variety of music, all celebrating Jesus and his love for us in some way. We are informal in dress, and our focus is on learning to grow spiritually and live better lives by following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We are Congregationalists
Congregationalists are classical Christians, who believe that the local congregation of covenanted believers is the most authentic way to approach the call of being Christ’s example in the world. Christ is the head of the church and the sole authority; the Bible is the word of God that we study to continue to guide our lives as Christians; and the members of the church work together in equality and charity. Those who have followed the Congregational Way have used the same texts in developing their position as the Episcopalian and Presbyterian forms of church governance.
We are part of NACCC
The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches is a denomination of autonomous churches bound by our belief that Christ alone is the head of the local church. We are part of the Pacific Northwest Conference.
We welcome you to our church family!
If you would like to grow spiritually with a small congregation committed to living more spiritual, loving lives, come join us! Our weekly 9:30 am adult Bible Studies are vibrant discussions where we read the Bible, ask questions, and do our best to understand what God’s word is saying to us. Our Sunday worship starts at 11:00 am, followed by coffee hour and fellowship. Sunday School for adults starts at 9:30 am. Children’s Church is for children ages 3-11 and starts after Children’s Chat during worship. All people are welcome as we strive to live according to God’s word, and the follow the example of Jesus Christ.